Dottie Vassalo
It’s all about Family
Family encompasses many names… Friends, Kith, Kin, Tribe, Clan.
Focus on fond memories of family… share with others!
Food is an important memory… share family recipes. Make one and share with someone!
Books to Share with Your Family
Sundays are for Feasts, Lelia Boukarim
When Alexander Graced the Table, Alexander Smalls
A Prayer for Your Family
Lord, bless my family and children. Give them hearts that follow after you. Give my family the strength to not be afraid. Give them the courage to stand up for what is right. Produce within them an attitude of integrity, giving their lives to giving you glory. Protect each family member under the shadow of your wings. Lord, help us to find our strength in you. Increase our unity and peace as we seek to follow after you. Amen.
Dottie’s Chicken Divan
- Wegmans Precooked whole chicken
- 1 or 2 cans cream of mushroom or chicken soup or one of each
- Milk or cream or Cointreau
- Frozen broccoli small pieces
- Cheese (cheddar/havarti/white) sliced or shredded
- Breadcrumbs
- Butter
- Non-stick cooking spray
- Pick chicken off bone
- Cook broccoli
- Spray 9/12 pan with cooking spray
- Place drained broccoli in bottom
- Layer chicken pieces
- Mix soup with half can milk (not to soupy, thicker consistency)
- Pour soup mixture over chicken
- Layer cheese.
- Sprinkle breadcrumbs on top
- Dot with butter
- Bake 350 degrees for about 30 minutes until warm and bubbly
- Serve with cranberry sauce
- Sometimes I’ll serve plain pasta/noodles as a side