Trinity gives people of all ages the chance to participate in worship and other church leadership activities. We hope one of these appeals to you! Please contact the office if you would like more information about any of these opportunities to serve our church.
Altar Guild
We are a group of people that prepare the sanctuary for Sunday Eucharistic Services, Baptisms, Weddings and Funerals. We prepare and set up the altar for Communion, we take care of the beautiful Altar linens and all the sacred vessels of the church. It is a sacred privilege to serve on the Altar Guild.
For all those interested in joining, we will teach you everything you need to know to set up for worship. If you enjoy learning about the ritual traditions of the church and serving God and the church, you will love this ministry.
Please contact the office if you are interested in serving.
Buildings and Grounds
Much of the work necessary to keep our building and grounds in shape is done by volunteers within our congregation.
Please contact the office if you have skills you would like to share.
Choir and Worship
At Trinity we have both a choir and a more contemporary worship team. If you are interested in music, if you love to sing or play an instrument, or if you have always wanted to learn to play – join us!
Please contact the office if you would like to share your musical talents with the congregation.
Coffee Hour
After every 10:30 service we join together for coffee/tea and snacks in the foyer. It is a time to get to know new people, laugh and share. Those who belong to this ministry offer hospitality to us all. If you are interested in this ministry which involves providing the snacks and making the tea/coffee on a rotating basis, please contact the office.
Puppet Ministry Committee (PMC)
PMC share’s God’s love through puppetry with our members and the community. The PMC looks forward to sharing this ministry as an outreach program to retirement homes and places of assisted living to bring laughter and love to those living there.
The committee is always looking for new members; if you would like to share God’s love through Puppetry please contact the office.
Service Days
Service days are Saturday mornings where we all come together to “clean” the church and grounds. There is something for everyone to do, from raking leaves, or cleaning windows, to picking up branches and painting or digging trenches! These are held twice in Spring, and twice in fall, and end with pizza. Upcoming service days are posted on this site, so watch for the upcoming dates.
Sunday School Teachers
Trinity has a lovely Sunday School with teachers that are filled with life and enthusiasm. Our Sunday School meets during the service on the 2nd, 4th and 5th Sundays of the month.
If you love children and are interested in helping them grow in their relationship with God, please contact the office.