Revd. Deborah Duguid-May
Dear Trinity
I always think it is interesting that stewardship month falls during the fall. Because at this time of the year the trees and plants know that it is a time of letting go. Letting go of what is truly needed, in order for a greater cycle of life to be sustained. And so trees let go of all of their beautiful leaves, that have served them, brought life to them, and I’m sure are loved by them. They let them go, in order that they will have enough strength to get through the winter months, so that when spring comes that life cycle will be sustained. Their letting go feeds the soil that will once again feed them. Nothing is lost in letting go, it always come back to us again.
As human beings we don’t like to let go. Stewardship is a time when God asks each of us “Can you let something go?” Can we like the trees let go, not of what is extra, but what we love, what we value, can we sacrificially let go, in order that a greater cycle of faith life may be sustained. In order that others will be nourished, who may one day re-nourish you.
And so stewardship month is about “how much we are able to give to God and the church”, it is about money, but it’s also not about money. It’s at a much deeper level about our capacity to let go, our capacity to not want to horde, to not want to play it safe, for if we play it safe, horde and don’t let go, that greater cycle of life will not happen, both in our own familial lives, but also in the life of our church.
So I encourage you to use this stewardship month to challenge yourself to “let go”. To let go in order to sustain our faith for this and the next generation. To let go in order to let blessing, faith and love flow, so that in the future you too may be able to receive.
And so this fall, as you watch the colors turn and the leaves fall, reflect on your capacity to let go and to surrender to that greater cycle of life of which we are just a part.
Please note that we will release our draft budget for 2025 after it is approved by Vestry on Monday, October 21st. The budget will be sent via email and printed copies will be available in the narthex.
With so much love
Revd. Deborah